Saturday, November 18, 2006

Tunnels of Fun

Since the weather has been cooler and the wet, melty snow has kept us indoors most days we're discovering more creative play. This firetruck toy and the tunnel were two seperate grage sale finds that together make a lot of fun. The firetruck is about a 3x4x8 cubic rectangle with windows, a door, skylights, and a circle escape hole. The tunnel is the same size as the excape hole and about 4 feet long so the two can be connected. The three kids think it's great fun to go in the door, through the truck, out the tunnel, and around again. Blanket are often piled on top to cover the windows and skylight to make it a "tent." From our "tunnels of fun" we send you "tons of love."  Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Evan expression is priceless.

Anonymous said...

I had a blast watching the kids play in this when I was babysitting, even though Evan tried to get me to get into it. We would of needed the jaws of life to get me out. LOL.