Friday, July 27, 2007

A Day at the Hatchery

There is a small fish hatchery on the west side of town that the kids love to visit in the summer. Unfortunately it is closed for remodeling until some time in 2008. Since the kids are missing the fish we headed up to Spearfish for the day last Saturday. There is a larger historic fish hatchery right beside the city park. It was a hot, hot day but wandering around the hatchery feeding fish, checking out historic buildings, looking at trout in the viewing tank, wading in the ice cold creek, and checking out the arts & crafts festival in the park was a great way to spend it.
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Anonymous said...

i read your blog all the have such a nice family.i like your blog because you always keep it so active like those fireworks and how tou put in all those pictures.

Smith Family said...

Thanks. I started this because with our family is all 500 miles away I wanted them to see our kids growing up but I don't mind more readers and love comments. :)