Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Range Days Rodeo

One of the biggest highlights of fair week is the three nights of rodeo action. I'm not an expert at all but it is just fun to watch. Range Days is small enough that there are usually only around ten contestants in each event which means it is constantly changing from event to event. The boys really like the calf roping and team roping events because "the cowboys lasso the cows" and the barrel races are neat because they are one of the only events where competitor stay on the horse. Our perennial favorite events are the ones where the cowboys fall off their horses (or bulls) with bull riding being the best of all.

The first pictures is from the first night which is always military appreciation night. National Guard soldiers from Rapid and airmen from Ellsworth are honored as a representation a of our military. There is also a B-1 Bomber flyover which is a little exhilarating and a lot loud.

Something else very fun we forgot to take pictures of was the clowns. Part of the clown's job is to distract the bulls from the fallen rider during the bull riding but the rest of the time they add to the entertainment factor. At some point in the night there is always a skit performed full of puns and one liners that flirts with ridiculous but it overall good, clean fun.

Hopefully the last picture comes through as a video and not an actual picture since I'm trying to upload it a new way. It is the 89 point bull ride that took first place. If your computer is slow it won't come through all that great but in person it was awesome. You can hear the crown roaring.

So, any takers on next year's fair? We'd love to have you if I've got you sold. :)

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Taylor Swift

Monday night of the fair week we took the kids with us to the Taylor Swift and Neal McCoy concerts. The boys did enjoy it but Lydia was the one who really loved it. She has as much of a sense of rhythm as any 20 month old and was groovin' to the beat, laughing, dancing, and clapping like a regular country girl. :)
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Ride 'em Cowboys

Early in our week of fair festivities we wandering all around the fairgrounds letting the kids soak up the variety of activities around them. We asked if they would like to ride a carnival ride and looked at a lot of the kiddie rides. They were all neat but both boys chose the "real horses" instead. Here are the happy cowboys out for their rides. Yipee-kai-yai-yeah!!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Pig Wrestling

This week we have been enjoying the Central States Fair which is held here in Rapid. For those of you reading from MN or WI, it's about the size of a large county fair. One of the telecommunication companies here sponsors my new favorite sport, pig wrestling. Th object is for a four person team to capture a greased pig from the within the mud pit and place it in the large container in the center of the pen. The faster the better with the fastest team overall taking $1,000 for their non-profit or charity. The fastest time we saw the other night was just over 7 seconds. Seriously, 7 seconds! We'll be at the finals tomorrow night. Lydia was scared to death when the crowd started yelling and the pig squealing but the boys wouldn't give up their ring side places for anything. And they were wearing the mud to prove it. I'm thinking that it'd be a great way to add $1,000 to our weekly offering. Anybody want to join me?
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Sharing a Love

For as long as I've known Nathan he has loved all planes and dreamed of flying. He can identify nearly any plane that flies over head which has always amazed me. Saturday he shared a little of that love with the kids. Ellsworth Air Force Base is just east of town and they house the South Dakota Air and Space Museum. There are 25+ planes, asorted missles and rockets, and a helicopter scattered around the property and a self guided tour in the hanger. The boys especially seem to have picked up on Nathan's love so they were thrilled to get to look at, sit in, and touch airplanes. Lydia is our most adventurous child and I'm predicting that she'll be the one to jump out of them someday. The next 20 years should be interesting. :)
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Jewel Cave #3: The Cache

While in the neighborhood of Jewel Cave we went hunting for a geocache. Evan and my Mom found it and Evan got to dig it out. He was slightly proud of himself.

Lydia was happy on Nathan's shoulders. If you look closely you'll see she has a piece of grass in her mouth. She and the boys have picked up on the fact that Dad puts them in his mouth so think they should too. Monkey see, monkey do. :)

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Jewel Cave #2

Here are some of the amazing rock formations we saw at Jewel Cave. We thought they looked like caramel melting, popcorn, and a giant slice of bacon (although the third is hard to see in the picture). Cave tour or food tour, hmm, did we get them mixed up? Yum.
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Jewel Cave #1

During the week that Hans had surgery my parents came for a five day visit. Not only did it give us help with Hans who was a little "hurty" but also an excuse for explore more of the Black Hills.

Thursday we headed over Jewel Cave National Memorial in the south west corner of the state. It was amazing and enjoyed by all. Well, Lydia napped most of the 1+ hour tour so she enjoyed it in her own way.

1-Our happy family taking a picture to complete a virtual geocache.

2-Evan and Hans touching the "sacrificial rock" at the beginning of the tour. It is so hard not to touch since the rocks and different formations look so neat.

3-My parents descending some of the 723 stairs on the tour with Hans in hand.

4-Nathan ducking to keep his head and Lydia's safe from bumps. Note the thumb sucking and hair twirling from Lydia. Sleep is coming soon.

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Tonsils, Adenoids, and ROCKET ATTACKS!!

On Monday August 13 Hans had his tonsils and adenoids removed. For those who have had the pleasure of being in the room while he's sleeping, you know why. Really it was for general health reasons that could and did affect him while awake and asleep. He came through very well and has had some ups and downs since but more ups than downs so we're hanging in there.

What does that have to do with these pictures? On Tuesday evening Mary, our pastor's wife, dropped off a get well gift for Hans. In addition to freezies and a color book Hans got a nerf rocket. This was an immediate hit and probably aided in the speedy recovery. During nap time on Wednesday my Dad and Evan headed to the store to find rockets of their own so three rockets were zooming around for several days. The rockets have been launched indoors and out and have needed rescue from the rooftop and neighbors yards as well. I'm thinking we might need a few more around so I can defend myself. Here you see an attack of the camera man as well as one of my Mom.

Be warned: we're armed and it's contagious. :)

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Miscellaneous Lydia

Photo Op One: Joanna getting some Lydia time in the new acquired hammock which was conveniently away from Freckles.

Photo Op Two: Grandpa needed a quiet place to talk on the phone and Lydia needed a quiet place to rest awhile. The same place? Sure!

Photo Op Three: Lydia being her silly little self. What you can't hear is her saying "cheese!!" which translates to "take my picture 'cause I'm cute." (Note: Dad took the picture not Mom.)

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Great Grandparents

It's been a long while since I've sat down to write anything here.

Our train was slightly derailed the last weekend in July when Nathan's Grandma Smith passed away. Although she had been ailing the last few years her death was sudden and sent us on an unplanned trip to Manitowoc. We don't actually have any pictures from the days we were in Manitowoc and with the entire Smith clan but it was a wonderful few days. For those who don't understand the peace death brings a Christian they might not get it but the visitation, funeral, burial, and entire time together as a family was beautiful. Grandma knew Jesus as her Savior and went from this world to an eternity with Him. What a joyful thought! As when anyone passes away, she will be missed but we know she's with her Lord and that brings comfort to all. The hugs, stories shared, laughter, and just time as a family helped eveyone, too.

These pictures are from the day we were back in MN at Kevin and Mary's house. Mary's parents came down to see us and the kids. Losing someone often makes you value the ones you still have even more. What treasures grandparents and great grandparents are!

Picture #1: Lydia tell Grandpa stories.

Picture #2: Lydia had just given Grandma a kiss good-bye.

Picture #3: Hans giving Grandpa a "break-your-neck" hug.

Love to all.

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