Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Range Days Rodeo

One of the biggest highlights of fair week is the three nights of rodeo action. I'm not an expert at all but it is just fun to watch. Range Days is small enough that there are usually only around ten contestants in each event which means it is constantly changing from event to event. The boys really like the calf roping and team roping events because "the cowboys lasso the cows" and the barrel races are neat because they are one of the only events where competitor stay on the horse. Our perennial favorite events are the ones where the cowboys fall off their horses (or bulls) with bull riding being the best of all.

The first pictures is from the first night which is always military appreciation night. National Guard soldiers from Rapid and airmen from Ellsworth are honored as a representation a of our military. There is also a B-1 Bomber flyover which is a little exhilarating and a lot loud.

Something else very fun we forgot to take pictures of was the clowns. Part of the clown's job is to distract the bulls from the fallen rider during the bull riding but the rest of the time they add to the entertainment factor. At some point in the night there is always a skit performed full of puns and one liners that flirts with ridiculous but it overall good, clean fun.

Hopefully the last picture comes through as a video and not an actual picture since I'm trying to upload it a new way. It is the 89 point bull ride that took first place. If your computer is slow it won't come through all that great but in person it was awesome. You can hear the crown roaring.

So, any takers on next year's fair? We'd love to have you if I've got you sold. :)

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Anonymous said...

The video picture worked great. Tell me again what kind of camera you have.


Smith Family said...

Canon A710 IS

It's the image stabilization that makes the video work so well.

I took a picture today for Lena. It's a carving at a Norwegian chapel here in town of an old lady names Lena. I figured she'd laugh at it. :)