Monday, March 12, 2007

Boulder Hill Cache

This past weekend my parents came out for a visit. They couldn't have picked a better weekend. The weather was fabulous for outdoor activity. Since Nathan got a GPS for Christmas his new favorite outdoor activity is geocaching (pronounced geo-cashing). For those of you who haven't ever heard of it you can check out Basically you choose a cache off of a list in your area, plug coordinates into your GPS, and follow the arrow until you reach the exact location. Then you begin searching for the cache or as the boys call it, the treasure box. You then record your visit in the log and can trade cache (little trinkets). This weekend the boys traded some of their matchbox cars and accessories for marbles, a toy lion, and a toy seal. When finished you hide the cache again so the next hunter can find it. We were able to get in four different caches with Mom and Dad. Three were Saturday in town at a large city park. The fourth was about 20 minutes into the Hills on the top of Boulder Hill. It is a lot of fun and I'm sure we'll be doing it for years to come.

The pictures are:

1. The kids on top of Boulder Hill. Evan hikes all the time now, Hans is about 1/2 hiking and 1/2 in the backpack on Dad, Lydia is still on my back in the pack.

2. My Dad on the ledge finding the cache.

3. The kids eagerly searching for their treasures.

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