Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Jewel Cave #1

During the week that Hans had surgery my parents came for a five day visit. Not only did it give us help with Hans who was a little "hurty" but also an excuse for explore more of the Black Hills.

Thursday we headed over Jewel Cave National Memorial in the south west corner of the state. It was amazing and enjoyed by all. Well, Lydia napped most of the 1+ hour tour so she enjoyed it in her own way.

1-Our happy family taking a picture to complete a virtual geocache.

2-Evan and Hans touching the "sacrificial rock" at the beginning of the tour. It is so hard not to touch since the rocks and different formations look so neat.

3-My parents descending some of the 723 stairs on the tour with Hans in hand.

4-Nathan ducking to keep his head and Lydia's safe from bumps. Note the thumb sucking and hair twirling from Lydia. Sleep is coming soon.

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