Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Tonsils, Adenoids, and ROCKET ATTACKS!!

On Monday August 13 Hans had his tonsils and adenoids removed. For those who have had the pleasure of being in the room while he's sleeping, you know why. Really it was for general health reasons that could and did affect him while awake and asleep. He came through very well and has had some ups and downs since but more ups than downs so we're hanging in there.

What does that have to do with these pictures? On Tuesday evening Mary, our pastor's wife, dropped off a get well gift for Hans. In addition to freezies and a color book Hans got a nerf rocket. This was an immediate hit and probably aided in the speedy recovery. During nap time on Wednesday my Dad and Evan headed to the store to find rockets of their own so three rockets were zooming around for several days. The rockets have been launched indoors and out and have needed rescue from the rooftop and neighbors yards as well. I'm thinking we might need a few more around so I can defend myself. Here you see an attack of the camera man as well as one of my Mom.

Be warned: we're armed and it's contagious. :)

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