1. The team.
2. Hans' first position to play was catcher
3. Evan up at bat.
4. Hans in his ready position.
1. Our three adventurous kids.
2. A spring woodland flower.
3. A perching bluebird.
For the main event the parents were challenged with Are You Smarter Than a Martin Luther Eagle. Five parents volunteers for each class and had to answer some tough questions. The kids let the parents know if the answers provided were correct or not. The first and second grade classes did so by cheering for correct answers (picture #2-note Evan on the far left of the photo). Nathan was one of the volunteer parents for Evan's class although he might not like to admit their score of 3 correct and 2 wrong (picture #3).
The kindergartners also performed by providing the commercials between classes. The commercials were taped earlier in the week on shown on the "big screen". The kids got a kick out of watching themselves. My favorite of the commercials was one where the kindergartners tried to teach the big kids how to dress for snowy weather with a song titled, "Gloves, mittens, snow pants, boots" set to the tune of "Head, shoulders, knees, and toes." Unfortunately the commercials didn't photograph well.
After the performance Kevin and Mary, who had come over to watch with us, treated us to some custard. They stayed until late afternoon the next day warming up our rainy Saturday.