Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Happy Father's Day

During the late afternoon of Father's Day we headed to a small lake in the Hills (I can't spell or pronounce it correctly) for a paddle and a picnic supper. As we loaded kids and gear into the car and the canoe on top a cold front pushed through Rapid and our temperature dropped about 25 degrees in less than an hour. We decided to go anyway. It was cold for summertime but as a result the lake was deserted. We paddled around, grilled pork/beef burgers, and the kids "needed" to play in the water. They all ended up soaked and chilled but despite that, loving it. It was just really nice to be in the Hills, on the water, and yet be pretty much just us. On the way home we stopped off for ice cream cones and ended the day with three happy kids and one happy Dad. Hopefully the rest of you Dads had just as wonderful of a day. :)
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