Monday, February 15, 2010


Valentine's Day in our house isn't the national holiday it is in some. I've never given or received lavish jewelry, floral displays that resemble small bushes, or unwrapped a Jaguar. We're not anti-Valentine's Day either though. Valentine's holds a special place in my heart since back in 1997 I sent three small carnations with a "roses are red" poem to Nathan signed "your secret admirer." I give him three carnations and a new poem every year. Our kids exchanged Valentine's with classmates and teachers bringing home a pile of candy to replace the just finished Christmas stash.

The only thing I did special at home this year was make special dinner. The kids dined on heart shaped mini pizzas, sipped pink (strawberry) milk, and watched Over the Hedge picnic style in the living room. Just a little treat for the little people I love most. After we'd tucked them in bed Nathan and I dined on t-bones smothered in onions, baby portobello mushrooms, and cheese, and loaded side salads. Just a little something for the man I love most. Who needs lavish jewelry, giant floral displays, and an over priced car when you've got a happy home, marriage, kids, spouse, and are living happily ever after every day? Happy Valentine's Day.

**Thank you James and Holly for the t-bone. It was part of a Christmas present to Nathan this year and we loved it! And we still have two more packages of steak in the freezer!**

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1 comment:

Kristi said...

Looks delicious! Way to spoil the man you love!